"... such a weird place,
such a weird place, such a weird place...."
I don't know whether it's because of the expectations I had of this place, whether it's because I had heard so much about it that I expected it to outdo Helsinki by a few US miles, but the truth is that I am rather disappointed.
Not only does it not come close to matching what I saw of Europe through the microcosm that is Finland, it reminds me rather of India. In fact, if you leave out the fact that its cleaner, and that technology is more in use here, there is little or no difference. Of course, streets and buses aren't as crowded, but America doesn't have to deal with the population density of India. Nonetheless, I'll stick my neck out and make the following comments:
Attractiveness: India comes close! Very close! Surprisingly, Americans are far less conscious about their appearance than I expected. Maybe, its time we learned from the situation that is prevalent here, and ban MacD!!! Kolkata, you were much the wiser in not having embraced MacD as early as some of the other metros did. I don't like it anyway!
*Subway rocks though! A number of non-veg stuff costs less than the veggie patty!
Shopping: India is better! Easier to shop, more accessible locations, more of a buzz... India doesnt force us to own cars in order to be able to shop happily at the best rates, at the best places, so on and so forth! There's something mechanical about the place, something very cultivated which borders on the bizarre!
People: Same comment as above applies. Give rather the strong impression of being of a certain kind that is acceptable to society. When the veneer cracks, the contrast is all the more stark. You wouldn't want to be in this place if you were the straight talking, believing kind. The amount of fine print boggles the mind. Insurance agencies, for instance, are killers. If you haven't seen it, see Sicko and thank your lucky stars that you dont have to fend for yourself in these God-forsaken Bushes that make a jungle.
Fun: For all the above, a lot of this is to be had. There are great facilities and while the going is good, the rosy side is great. Buildings, mostly, are built very well, and one appreciates the finer details. Excellent transport systems make travelling very comfortable.
Weather: Its been bright and sunny, not too hot, and thankfully, not humid. Rains arrive immediately when it gets too hot
Now, then off the shopping list and onto updates. Life's good, I have shifted into my new apartment. Its been done up recently. Had nothing when I moved in, and I have spent hours shopping for stuff. Its slowly starting to seem like home, and I love the way my room is blooming. The first thing I bought was a bookcase, the second a broken chair that I am using as a nightstand, the third a bed, and the last so far- a sort of shelf unit. I love it. I love shopping. As a friend put it, the oestrogen streaks! I am inclined to agree :)
Will post pics when its done! Yo!
such a weird place, such a weird place...."
I don't know whether it's because of the expectations I had of this place, whether it's because I had heard so much about it that I expected it to outdo Helsinki by a few US miles, but the truth is that I am rather disappointed.
Not only does it not come close to matching what I saw of Europe through the microcosm that is Finland, it reminds me rather of India. In fact, if you leave out the fact that its cleaner, and that technology is more in use here, there is little or no difference. Of course, streets and buses aren't as crowded, but America doesn't have to deal with the population density of India. Nonetheless, I'll stick my neck out and make the following comments:
Attractiveness: India comes close! Very close! Surprisingly, Americans are far less conscious about their appearance than I expected. Maybe, its time we learned from the situation that is prevalent here, and ban MacD!!! Kolkata, you were much the wiser in not having embraced MacD as early as some of the other metros did. I don't like it anyway!
*Subway rocks though! A number of non-veg stuff costs less than the veggie patty!
Shopping: India is better! Easier to shop, more accessible locations, more of a buzz... India doesnt force us to own cars in order to be able to shop happily at the best rates, at the best places, so on and so forth! There's something mechanical about the place, something very cultivated which borders on the bizarre!
People: Same comment as above applies. Give rather the strong impression of being of a certain kind that is acceptable to society. When the veneer cracks, the contrast is all the more stark. You wouldn't want to be in this place if you were the straight talking, believing kind. The amount of fine print boggles the mind. Insurance agencies, for instance, are killers. If you haven't seen it, see Sicko and thank your lucky stars that you dont have to fend for yourself in these God-forsaken Bushes that make a jungle.
Fun: For all the above, a lot of this is to be had. There are great facilities and while the going is good, the rosy side is great. Buildings, mostly, are built very well, and one appreciates the finer details. Excellent transport systems make travelling very comfortable.
Weather: Its been bright and sunny, not too hot, and thankfully, not humid. Rains arrive immediately when it gets too hot
Now, then off the shopping list and onto updates. Life's good, I have shifted into my new apartment. Its been done up recently. Had nothing when I moved in, and I have spent hours shopping for stuff. Its slowly starting to seem like home, and I love the way my room is blooming. The first thing I bought was a bookcase, the second a broken chair that I am using as a nightstand, the third a bed, and the last so far- a sort of shelf unit. I love it. I love shopping. As a friend put it, the oestrogen streaks! I am inclined to agree :)
Will post pics when its done! Yo!
At 9:40 PM, wildflower said…
'Its slowly starting to seem like home'...survive, thrive & flourish!
have a nice time...n this kind of an analysis takes a lots of thinking,:D
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