Lancelot's Take

Thursday, April 26, 2007

The end...

... is unfortunately not as near as I would have liked. However, I have given my last semester exam in IIT Kharagpur. Just two things remain, one on the 7th and another on an as-yet unspecified date. Yet, they loom large, and for once, I am scared; and yet, when I look around me, there are plenty of people who have more reason to be scared and are not. Thats what scarring does!

Major decisions in my life are about to be made. So here's hoping that, in the long run, they turn out to be the right one, 'coz I must say they will surprise a few people-which is the part I like. The part that I don't like is too elaborate to be described here.

However, to get back to the few good things that are a part of my life, as of today, I spent a very good afternoon writing the Intelligent Systems paper. Sir is easily one of the best professors I have come across, if only because he was able to hold my attention, the span of which is notoriously small. In fact, add French to this course, and you have two in one semester that really held my interest. Thats a rarity, for this place does about everything to kill the few metric ounces of interest you might have in anything.

It rained today. Correction: it poured. While we were taking the IS paper, comfortably ensconced in the air-conditioned Software Lab. With a sprite to boot, courtesy Sir! And through all those walls, the growl of thunder came through. It broke a couple of those large glasses near the roof of the CS dep, helped trees to a lower potential energy position, where they blocked most of the roads, and flung a few cycles around. I could smell the coffee one of the invigilators was having while the storm lashed the building. Made for an amazing environ. Oh, for some slow retro Hindi music, and I could have been in paradise even in this place for a few minutes!


Things keep coming round in circles. More stuff I thought were safely locked into cupboards with keys thrown away turned up again. I didn't mind, though. At this moment, the past seems a much nicer place to be.

I can't help wondering though, just how close to the brink I was pushed in the last few weeks, and just how far away from it I am now. I suspect the answer to both is "not far", but I need a crisper definition to this fuzzy set.

Thursday, April 19, 2007


And before I realized it, another year has gone by. Another year, at the end of which I wish more than ever before that you were here with me. But all that is for another time. For the time being, its time to wish you a VERY VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

Well, I am one day late, but such have been the circumstances of late...


You are my fire
The one desire
Believe when I say
I want it that way

But we are two worlds apart
Can't reach to your heart
When you say
That I want it that way


There are moments when words fail us completely. Had a few of those over the last few weeks when so stupefying were the statements that I suddenly found myself without the strength to protest. Reminded me of one such time years back when I had found myself in a similar situation and when you had been there- there to defend me, to back me up. I have missed everyone of those moments over the last couple of years, and time has done little to diminish the intensity of your absence.

Here's hoping you are having a blast wherever you are!